Deskripsi Genset Solar 6BT5.9 Series Engine
Genset komersil Cummins Power Generation adalah sistem pembangkit listrik terintegrasi penuh yang memberikan kinerja, keandalan, dan keserbagunaan yang optimal untuk aplikasi siaga dan aplikasi daya prima.
Engine tugas berat Cummins® - 4 siklus yang kokoh, diesel industri menghasilkan daya yang andal, emisi rendah, dan respons cepat terhadap perubahan beban.
Alternator - Beberapa ukuran alternator menawarkan kemampuan start motor yang dapat dipilih dengan gulungan 2/3 pitch reaktansi rendah, distorsi bentuk gelombang rendah dengan beban non-linear dan kapabilitas hubung singkat gangguan.
Sistem kontrol - Kontrol elektronik PowerCommand® adalah peralatan standar dan menyediakan integrasi sistem genset total termasuk penghentian / penghentian jarak jauh otomatis, pengaturan frekuensi dan tegangan yang tepat, tampilan pesan status dan alarm, perlindungan AmpSentry ™, pengukuran keluaran, penutupan otomatis pada deteksi kesalahan dan Kepatuhan NFPA 110 Level 1.
Sistem pendingin - Sistem radiator terpasang terintegrasi standar, dirancang dan diuji untuk temperatur sekitar terukur, menyederhanakan persyaratan desain fasilitas untuk panas yang ditolak.
Enclosures - Opsional pelindung cuaca dan penutup yang dilemahkan suara tersedia.
Tangki bahan bakar - Tangki bahan bakar sub-base dinding ganda dan day-in-skid tank juga ditawarkan.
NFPA - Genset menerima beban pengenal penuh dalam satu langkah sesuai dengan NFPA 110 untuk sistem Level 1.
Garansi dan layanan - Didukung oleh garansi komprehensif dan jaringan distributor di seluruh dunia.
Standby rating
Prime rating
Continuous rating
Data sheets
60 Hz kW (kVA)
50 Hz kW (kVA)
60 Hz kW (kVA)
50 Hz kW (kVA)
60 Hz kW (kVA)
50 Hz kW (kVA)
60 Hz
50 Hz
100 (125)
85 (106)
90 (113)
80 (100)
©2008|Cummins Power Generation Inc.|All rights reserved|Specifications subject to change without notice|Cummins Power Generation and Cummins are registered trademarks of Cummins Inc. PowerCommand, AmpSentry InPower and “Our energy working for you.” are trademarks of Cummins Power Generation. Other company, product or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.
S-1576b (9/08)
Generator set specifications
Governor regulation class
ISO 8528 Part 1 Class G3
Voltage regulation, no load to full load
± 1.0%
Random voltage variation
± 1.0%
Frequency regulation
Random frequency variation
± 0.5% (isochronous optional ± 0.25%)
Radio frequency emissions compliance
Meets requirements of most industrial and commercial applications.
Engine specifications
102.1 mm (4.02 in)
119.9 mm (4.72 in)
5.9 L (359.0 in3)
Cast iron, in-line, 6 cylinder
Battery capacity
460 amps minimum at ambient temperature of 0 °C (32 °F)
Battery charging alternator
65 amps
Starting voltage
12 volt, negative ground
Fuel system
Direct injection: number 2 diesel fuel, fuel filter, automatic electric fuel shutoff
Fuel filter
Single element, 10 micron filtration, spin-on fuel filter with water separator
Air cleaner type
Dry replaceable element
Lube oil filter type(s)
Spin-on, full flow
Standard cooling system
40 °C (104 °F) ambient radiator
Alternator specifications
Brushless, 4 pole, drip proof revolving field
2/3 pitch
Single bearing, flexible discs
Insulation system
Class H
Standard temperature rise
150 °C standby at 40 °C ambient
Exciter type
Torque match (shunt)
Phase rotation
A (U), B (V), C (W)
Alternator cooling
Direct drive centrifugal blower
AC waveform total harmonic distortion
< 5% no load to full linear load, < 3% for any single harmonic
Telephone influence factor (TIF)
< 50 per NEMA MG1-22.43
Telephone harmonic factor (THF)
< 3
Available voltages
60 Hz
50 Hz
· 120/208 · 120/240
· 127/220 · 139/240
· 240/416 · 254/440
· 110/190 · 110/220 · 115/220
· 115/230 · 120/208 · 120/240
· 127/220 · 220/380 · 230/400
· 240/416 · 254/440
Note: Consult factory for other voltages.
Generator set options and accessories
o 120/240 V 1500 W coolant heater
o 120/240 V 150 W lube oil heater
Electronic governor
Engine oil temperature
Fuel system
12 hour sub-base tank (dual tank)
24 hour sub-base tank (dual wall)
473 L (125 gal) sub-base tank (single wall)
o 120/240 V 100 W
anti-condensation heater
PMG excitation
Single phase
Exhaust system
Genset mounted muffler
Heavy duty exhaust elbow
Slip on exhaust connection
Cooling system
50 °C ambient
Remote radiator
Generator set
AC entrance box
Battery charger
Enclosure: aluminum, steel, weather protective or sound attenuated
Export box packaging
UL 2200 Listed
Main line circuit breaker
PowerCommand Network Communications Module (NCM)
Remote annunciator panel
Spring isolators
2 year standby power warranty
2 year prime power warranty
5 year basic power warranty
Note: Some options may not be available on all models - consult factory for availability.
Control system PCC 2100
PowerCommand control is an integrated generator set control system providing governing, voltage regulation, engine protection and operator interface functions. Major features include:
Integral AmpSentry™ Protective Relay providing a full
range of alternator protection functions that are matched to the alternator provided.
Battery monitoring and testing features and smart starting control system.
Three phase sensing, full wave rectified voltage regulation system, with a PWM output for stable operation with all load types.
Standard PCCNet™ and optional Echelon® LONWORKS® network interface.
Control suitable for operation in ambient temperatures from -40 °C to +70 °C (-40 °F to +158 °F) and altitudes
to 5000 meters (13,000 feet).
Prototype tested; UL, CSA, and CE compliant.
InPower™ PC-based service tool available for detailed diagnostics.
Operator/display panel
Off/manual/auto mode switch
Manual run/stop switch
Panel lamp test switch
Emergency stop switch
Alpha-numeric display with pushbutton access for viewing engine and alternator data and providing setup, controls and adjustments
LED lamps indicating genset running, not in auto, common warning, common shutdown
Configurable LED lamps (5)
Configurable for local language
Engine protection
Overspeed shut down
Low oil pressure warning and shut down
High coolant temperature warning and shut down
High oil temperature warning (some models)
Low coolant level warning or shut down
Low coolant temperature warning
High and low battery voltage warning
Weak battery warning
Dead battery shut down
Fail to start (overcrank) shut down
Fail to crank shut down
Redundant start disconnect
Cranking lockout
Sensor failure indication
Engine data
DC voltage
Lube oil pressure
Coolant temperature
Lube oil temperature (some models)
Engine speed
AmpSentry AC protection
Over current and short-circuit shut down
Over current warning
Single and three phase fault regulation
Over and under voltage shut down
Over and under frequency shut down
Overload warning with alarm contact
Reverse power and reverse Var shut down
Excitation fault
Alternator data
Line-to-line and line-to-neutral AC volts
Three phase AC current
Total and individual phase power factor, kW and kVA
Other data
Genset model data
Start attempts, starts, running hours
kW hours (total and since reset)
Fault history
Load profile (hours less than 30% and hours more than 90% load)
System data display (optional with network and other PowerCommand gensets or transfer switches)
Digital electronic isochronous governor
Temperature dynamic governing
Smart idle speed mode
Glow plug control (some models)
Voltage regulation
Digital PWM electronic voltage regulation
Three phase line-to-neutral sensing
Suitable for PMG or shunt excitation
Single and three phase fault regulation
Configurable torque matching
Control functions
Data logging on faults
Fault simulation (requires InPower)
Time delay start and cooldown
Cycle cranking
PCCNet interface
Configurable customer inputs (4)
Configurable customer outputs (4)
Configurable network inputs (8) and outputs (16) (with optional network)
Remote emergency stop
LED bargraph AC data display
Thermostatically controlled space heater
Key-type mode switch
Ground fault module
Auxiliary relays (3)
Echelon LONWORKS interface
Modion Gateway to convert to Modbus (loose)
PowerCommand iWatch web server for remote monitoring and alarm notification (loose)
Digital input and output module(s) (loose)
Remote annunciator (loose)
For further detail see document S-1409.
Ratings definitions
Emergency standby power (ESP):
Applicable for supplying power to varying electrical load for the duration of power interruption of a reliable utility source. Emergency Standby Power (ESP) is in accordance with ISO 8528. Fuel Stop power in accordance with ISO 3046, AS 2789, DIN 6271 and BS 5514.
Limited-time running power (LTP):
Applicable for supplying power to a constant electrical load for limited hours. Limited Time Running Power (LTP) is in accordance with ISO 8528.
Prime power (PRP):
Applicable for supplying power to varying electrical load for unlimited hours. Prime Power (PRP) is in accordance with ISO 8528. Ten percent overload capability is available in accordance with ISO 3046, AS 2789, DIN 6271 and BS 5514.
Base load (continuous) power (COP):
Applicable for supplying power continuously to a constant electrical load for unlimited hours. Continuous Power (COP) in accordance with ISO 8528, ISO 3046, AS 2789, DIN 6271 and BS 5514.
Dim “A” mm (in.)
Dim “B” mm (in.)
Dim “C” mm (in.)
Set Weight* dry kg (lbs)
Set Weight* wet kg (lbs)
2662 (104.8)
1016 (40.0)
1252 (49.3)
1202 (2650)
* Weights represent a set with standard features. See outline drawings for weights of other configurations.